The Mama Omeogo Prayer Group is a sacred community dedicated to the spiritual legacy of Mrs. Elizabeth Edeh, affectionately known as Mama Omeogo. Rooted in faith and unity, the prayer group gathers individuals from diverse backgrounds who are united in their devotion to prayer and spiritual growth.


After Mama Omeogo’s death, many people who knew her unflinching and exemplary dedication to prayer and act of charity started saying or insisting that “indeed there lived a saintly woman among us”. People started visiting her graveside to ask her to intercede for them, and most people who visited her graveside started giving testimonies. It was after such constant testimonies that the then Parish Priest of Akpugo Rev. Fr. Dr. Okolie deemed it fit to formally start a prayer group for Mama, hence the birth of Mama Omeogo Prayer Group on the 2nd of March, 1998 at Akpugo. 


The aim of the Prayer Group is to demonstrate through the mercy of our Lord, that Mama is a virtuous woman whom God in his infinite wisdom and mercy will bring to prominence justifying her charitable works and humility in the service of God. Today the Prayer Group that started in Akpugo has blossomed and spread with branches in Elele (Int’l Sanctuary and Madonna University), Aba, Makurdi, Port Harcourt, Lagos, Onitsha, Owerri, Ekwuluobia, Abuja, Nsukka, Abakaliki, Nnewi, Awka, Anaocha, Caritas University Enugu, Madonna University Okija Campus, and so on. Every first Wednesday of the month, thousands of people from different branches troop to Akpugo for prayers at Mama Omeogo’s graveyard.


The prayer usually starts around 7 pm with praises. This is followed by the recital of the Holy Rosary and a session for testimonies where people narrate the favours they received through Mama Omeogo’s intercessions. A priest holds confessions after which a Holy Mass is celebrated. The prayer normally ends the next day around 7:30 am.



In the name of the  Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.  (2x) Amen. 


Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; Blessed are you among women, and Blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and the hour of our death. (2x)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.


I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell; on the third day, He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; and thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen.


Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity for Omeogo Elizabeth

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore you; I glorify you; I thank you. I praise you most Holy Father, for out of your mercy, you sent your only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to redeem us from sin and death. Receive our prayers as we humbly desire that your Holy Church recognize and accept our dear mother, Omeogo Elizabeth, and her works of Charity and kindness to all whom she had encountered in her lifetime. Manifest to us, therefore, that she is in your Kingdom by granting us these favours (mention your intentions) through her intercession. We make our prayers through Christ our Lord, Amen.


Jesus I Love You, all I have is thine. Yours I am and yours I want to be, do with me whatever you will Amen (10x)


O Mary, mother of Jesus the Saviour, I salute you, I honour you, I revere you. Never was it known that any of your children who came to you with tears and supplications failed to get your attention. Here, I have come to you, my mother, with tears and supplications. May your Son, Jesus the Saviour, have mercy on me, hear my prayer and do with me whatever He wills, Amen. (5x)


Glory be to the Father... (3x)


Prayer to the Holy Spirit our Sanctifier

O Holy Spirit, may I be immersed wholly and entirely in you. Be my vivifier and sanctifier, brighten my ways and give me the life and protection that Jesus the Saviour has, by his death and resurrection, gained for those who love him. O Spirit divine, may you never abandon me; guide me strictly in the path of holiness, so that I will be finally and firmly united to the three persons of the blessed Trinity. O Blessed Virgin Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit and mother of Jesus the Saviour, pray for me. Amen.


Prayer for Beatification and Canonization of Mama Omeogo

O God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, we your unworthy children, humbly request that you listen to the prayers of the members of Omeogo Prayer Group. We are begging you for Mama Omeogo's cause for beatification to take off and be realized. You have given her to us as an example of Christian charity with a salvific mission, perfection of faith, hope, love and patience that never fails.

May you accept her exemplary life by enabling your Church to declare her one of your true servants. May you manifest her as your exemplary saint from Africa. May her life continue to inspire God's faithful to live the life of Christian charity, relentless practical and effective prayer, deep faith, hope and humility. O Jesus the Saviour remain with her and manifest her as one of your great and unflinching holy ones. Holy Spirit, help us to attain success in this cause. Mary mother of Jesus the Saviour, may Mama Omeogo continue to remain in your motherly hands and continue to intercede for us forever. All these we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Prayer to Mary for Mama Omeogo

O Mary kindly embrace Mama Omeogo firmly in heaven, as you embraced Jesus the Saviour on the day of His birth in Bethlehem. Take over her cause and facilitate her beatification and canonization within the reign of your dear Pope Francis. Through her kindly obtain a special blessing for all women of Africa. This we ask through Jesus the Saviour. Amen.

Glory be to the Father... (3x)



After all these have been give, do the following:


The Rosary


Stations of the Cross



Chorus: Mama Omeogo, Mama Omeogo, (is) in your hands/ Mary Sanctify her name (2x).
Make her example of Christian Charity, Faith, Hope and (effective) prayer, Hear our prayer, hear our prayer Mary Mother of Jesus. A….Amen.


Mama Omeogo, Mgbe ino n’uwa iji okwukwe kpere Chukuwu; Igwara anyi n’afufu anyi nile ga emecha buru ihe akuko.

It means: Mama Omeogo, when you were on earth, you prayed to God with ardent faith and you told that all our problem will later become a story to tell


This prayer for and through Mama Omeogo Elizabeth Edeh is for the Church to recognize her immense and profound charity. Even after her death, it has been obvious that her tireless charitable works continued. There have been testimonies over the manifestation of the intercession of Mama Omeogo in helping the needy who prayed to God through her. Omeogo is still acting, carrying out her duty of helping the needy just like when she was alive.